Thank you for supporting the Gretna East Softball Booster Club. Your donation will support team meals, team gear and signs for games.
Your support is a tax deductible donation under the umbrella organization, the Gretna Public School Foundation. If you have any questions, please contact the Gretna East Softball Booster Club.
Gretna East Softball Booster Officers:
President- Andrea Husen
Vice President: Jill Fliege
Treasurer- Justin Williamson
Secretary- Chris Shannon
Fundraising/Sponsor Coordinator- Stacy Feak
Volunteer Coordinators: Rachelle Lindsey/Sarah Freyer
Upcoming Events
Gretna East Softball Presents: TRAIN WITH THE GRIFFINS!
Youth Softball Camp for Grades 2-8
June 17-18, 2024 at the Gretna East Softball Field
2nd-5th Grade 9AM to 1030AM
6th-8th Grade 1045AM to 1215PM
$50 per person, includes event T-Shirt
Questions can be directed to Sara Batchelor (GEHS Assistant Coach) Email Sara Batchelor
Follow us on Social Media
Twitter @GretnaEastSBBC
Instagram gretnaeastsbbc
Facebook Gretna East Softball BC